Still works
I Don’t Understand Modern Art
A Fleeting Moment of Harmony
The Otherness of Self
Echo Chamber
The Fear of Physical Extinction and the Feeling of Disintegration Anxiety
Do Lonely Astronomical Observatories Dream Electric Dreams?
Reclining Nudes
An Ode to My Absent Whole
Data Rock (Take Me Somewhere Nice)
I Am He As You Are He As You Are Me
Thank You Machine Elves!
Shadows and Light
Memory coherence
The Celebrity That Therefore I Am
No. 13 Baby
Moving images
Spukhafte Fernwirkung
I Am
Heavy-Eyed Tyrants and Boring Machine Operators
The Uncanny
Every Building [Transition] on the [Google Street View] Sunset Strip
Isolation in Fragmented Landscapes
Sweet Obliteration
The Quantum Graininess of Nature
Transillumination (A Moment of Noise in Memory of Absence)
Arthur Boyd, Jinker on a sand bank with moon, 1976 07
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